Monday, July 6, 2009

Waiting, waiting, waiting!!!

That’s what I have been doing. ‘Paper Quilt’s’ has at least been printed now. It was any easy trip down to Victoria to the printing factory via the wonders of computers, but its’ trip back will be by truck I guess. That champagne bottle in the fridge which will get popped on its arrival is getting very very cold. This book is getting to be more like a third child every day – very overdue, all consuming and much anticipated. This Sunday the 12th July, is Fibre Day at the Old Bus Depot Markets. I might just have a little tantrum if it is not here by then.

Late last week I began work on a new set of larger images which will appear in the gallery of my website: (later this week). They fall into 3 categories. Ginger Jars, Vases and Handbags. Because the images are larger, I have much more room to play. I decided to let the silhouette images stand alone without quilted boarders because each image is quite lavish in its use of papers and embellishments. I began sewing them onto black card stock but I have decided that the soft cream of watercolour paper is all that is needed for these. They will be released at the Fibre Day on Sunday.

I am creating some very large Paper Quilts for my stall at the Sydney ‘Stitches and Craft Show’ in August 19 – 12. I will have a wall at the back of my space which I will use as a gallery. This time will also be a wonderful opportunity to launch my book in Sydney. Much work to do.

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