Saturday morning I taught at A White Paper Dragon Papercraft at Phillip ACT. I had 2 students – Kaye a beginner who made a beautiful teal gift tag, ruby coloured fan greeting card and violet crazy quilt. All lovely work.
Denise created the most beautiful golden handbag with diamante clasp. It really was the most gorgeous creation and I hope she enjoys having it in her home. She is a very talented student.
Fiona was also at the shop for a class and she created her first commission piece. A most beautiful rose card. Fiona was taught by Anne, who runs classes on many different craft techniques and owns A White Dragon. It was a thoroughly enjoyable morning.
I visited Addicted to Fabric after the class to look at all the lovely patchwork fabrics as I am experimenting with some paper and fabric creations. Allways an inspiration. Then it was home to finish off framing and matting, making cards, attaching sparkles and generally finishing off pieces for my stall the next day.
I was up bright and early on to Sunday. Handmade Market was at a beautiful new location at the Kanberra Wine Company. It is very silly but every time I know I have to set up in a new location I get all nervous and wonder if anyone will turn up. Well. I couldn’t have been more wrong if I tried. The place was swamped with lovers of beautiful handmade products. Handmade creations are winning in the retail stakes – hands down!!!! I started off the day by buying the most beautiful little bag for taking to my market stalls from How could I resist a little money bag with 2 little wrens hopping about on eucalypt leaves.
I set up next to lovely Prim and Pretty’s Rachelle who is a very talented designer of fabric broaches, gorgeous scarves, little neck wraps and beautiful pendants. Her shop looked wonderful with all her lovely creations and beautiful props including a new season white cyclamen.
So- I had a fantastic day. Fortunately I was joined with my partner in craft, my husband Bill who was great writing out dockets and helping customers. Thank you to everyone who came to say hello and to support Paper Quilting. I am still on a happy high of joy after such a lovely day.
Well - now it is back to work in “the Shed” to replenish and fill orders. I had a sort of day off. House work has to be done sometime and just sometimes it is quite satisfying. Am I turning crazy!!! Well maybe it’s the full moon.
The day became busier and busier
Outside under the beautiful trees